Have you tried out Boom Beach from Supercell? They’re the amazing developer behind Clash of Clans and Boom Beach is their follow-up game. It’s set in a sort of World War II era environment, but the object is pretty much the same: attack your enemies, defend your base, build up lots of resources.
The game continues to be popular and months after release, it’s still a top grossing game on the Apple App Store and Google Play charts.
There are lots of options when it comes to assembling your army, but we’re going to clue you in to one critical strategy: just go with Warriors. Don’t waste your time with anything else.
The basic strategy is called the Warrior Rush, and it really comes into its own once you have leveled up in the game and acquired the Smoke Screen capability. Coupled with the Smoke Screen and Flare, Warriors make for a quick and effective strategy. Here’s how it works:
- Use your Artillery and Barrage to clear out Mines and Boom Mines that lie in the path between the beach and the enemy HQ.
- Unload your Warriors from the Landing Craft.
- Drop a Flare on a nearby defensive structure. Then drop a Smoke Screen on top of that same structure and as many additional Smoke Screens as necessary to get your Warriors there under cover.
- The above step allows gets your Warriors to group together in a tight formation, which is necessary to keep them safe for the longer trip to the enemy HQ.
- Now drop another Flare on top of the HQ and again drop several Smoke Screens in a straight path so that your Warriors make the trip completely under cover.
- Once they arrive at the HQ, drop Medkit if necessary to heal any damage the Warriors sustained.
- Use your remaining Gunboat Energy to drop Shock Bombs on nearby defenses.

The Warriors will quickly unload their fury on the HQ, healing themselves as they attack. In most cases, this attack is sufficient enough to quickly take out the enemy Headquarters and claim victory, along with lots of resources. Rinse and repeat for quick domination in Boom Beach!